Speed City Wiki

In Speed City, players can trade with each other. Trail Trading is basically giving trails to, or receiving trails from, another player.

How to trade with someone

  1. Click/tap on the circulating arrows icon in the left menu.
  2. You will see a list of players that are in your server. Click/tap on the username of the player you want to trade with, and they will be sent a trade request.


  • If the request is sent successfully, text will replace player's username, saying, "Request sent."
  • If the player you sent a request to already has a pending trade request from someone else, text will replace the player's username, saying, "This user already has a request."
  • If the player you sent a request to is currently trading with someone else, text will replace the player's username, saying, "This player is currently in a session."
  • If the request was sent successfully, but the player declines it, nothing will happen.
  • If the request was sent successfully, and the player accepts, you can start trading!

How to accept a trade request

  1. If you are sent a trade request, a red dot will appear on the top right of the circulating arrows icon in your left menu.
  2. Press "Accept" to begin trading, or "Decline" if you do not want to trade with the player.

Extra Notes/Tips

  • You can only give/receive 3 trails per trade.
  • If you want to see the stats of a trail in trade...
    • If on PC, put your cursor onto the trail.
    • If on Mobile, touch the trail with your finger.
    • If you have more than 57 trails in your inventory, you won't be able to trade.
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure not to get scammed when trading!